Production Ready Private Cloud Templates
About Galera and MariaDB
MariaDB and Galera Cluster for MySQL is a true multi-master cluster. It provides easy-to-use high availability and is the leading cloud solution for MySQL databases. With no slave lag or lost transactions, you can gain both read and write scalability without the penalty of log shipping. Node membership is seamless, so clusters can scale up and down with demand.
Our Galera and MariaDB Architecture
Traditional relational databases are primarily assumed to scale up, not out. This means that running relational databases on a Cloud platform can introduce new complexities. This template deploys three MariaDB/Galera nodes and an HAProxy Load Balancer, and is meant to be used as a MySQL compatible database of your application. You can easily attach this template as a MySQL provider for your own Orchestration (heat) application templates, or you can attach this cluster to an existing application on an OpenStack Cloud using Networking (neutron).
Design Specifications
- A separate network and security group is created to house this database cluster, which lets you isolate your data traffic behind private networks.
- HAProxy provides load balancing to the database cluster nodes and is also attached to a Networking (neutron) network where your application runs.
- An optional user and database can be created through the Orchestration (heat) template.
- Because SaltStack drives the database configuration, scaling the cluster is as easy as adding additional nodes with the appropriate roles.